With the evolution of the digital platform, several Bollywood celebrities have started exploring opportunities on the OTT platforms. And interestingly, actors such as Saif Ali Khan, Radhika Apte and Nawazuddin Siddiqui have made their mark on the digital space as well. Joining the bandwagon, now we have Vidya Balan, Sanjay Dutt and Soha Ali Khan teaming up for their first-ever audiobook ‘Karadi Tales’.
The much-awaited audiobook ‘Karadi Tales’, for which the voice has been given by Vidya Balan, Sanjay Dutt and Soha Ali Khan will release on Voot. Dutt is said to have narrated the tales of the show, ‘The Monkeys On A Fast’ and ‘The Monkeys And The Cap Seller’, while Vidya is said to have been associated with’ Little Vinayak’ and ‘The Lizard’s Tail’ and Soha, who has been keeping a distance from the limelight, has apparently lend her voice for ‘A Hundred Cartloads’.
While talking about the ‘Karadi Tales’, the creative director of the show, Narayan Parasuram told Mid-Day, “The tradition of storytelling in our country spans 3,000 years. This experience of storytelling involves not just the written word, but also visual imagery, vibrant narration and music texture. The songs are based on Indian classical music traditions.”
Reportedly other celebrities such as Naseeruddin Shah, Usha Uthup, Jaaved Jaafferi and R.Madhavan have also participated in the project.
Also Read: Sanjay Dutt celebrates his birthday with team ‘Prasthanam’ at the teaser launch
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