As we had reported earlier, Bollywood actress Vidya Balan has been diagnosed with dengue. However, the reports of the actress being hospitalised were later found to be untrue by a source. Further, it was known that she has been asked to take complete rest for at least 10 to 15 days at home under doctor’s observation. But indeed, today there’s a good news for everyone who has been praying for the good health of Vidya. The ‘Ishqiya’ actress has shared about her recovery with a thank you note to everyone.
Vidya Balan took to her Twitter account on Monday morning where she wrote, “Good morning all. Thank you for the genuine concern, wishes, prayers, love and jokes. I’ve been resting at home and am recovering well.” [sic]
Good mornin all ?..Thank you for d genuine concern,wishes,prayers,love & jokes ?.Ive been resting at home and am recovering well ??.
— vidya balan (@vidya_balan) 19 September 2016
The actress was diagnosed with this disease of dengue last week on Thursday, after she had returned from US post shooting for Sujoy Ghosh’s ‘Kahaani 2’.
On the professional front, apart from ‘Kahaani 2’, Vidya will be seen in ‘Begum Jaan’ and Kamala Das biopic.
Also Read: Clash between Vidya Balan’s ‘Kahaani 2’ and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Dear Zindagi’ averted?
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.