Much anticipated since the time it was announced, the teaser poster of Vidya Balan‘s ‘Kahaani 2’ has been unveiled. Like its previous instalment, this thriller film will see actress Vidya reuniting with director Sujoy Ghosh. But looking at it, the makers have clearly indicated that this is not connected with the previous one. As the name of Vidya’s central character has been seen as Durga Rani Singh in ‘Kahaani 2‘ and not Vidya Bagchi. Not many would know but Durga Rani Singh was the next project announced by director Sujoy after ‘Kahaani’ which was later scrapped. But certainly he borrowed that title here in ‘Kahaani 2’.
While talking about it to a leading daily, director Sujoy Ghosh has said, “Durga Rani Singh… It’s a really cool name so we thought of naming Vidya’s character that in ‘Kahaani 2’ but it has nothing to do with the story of the earlier film. Obviously, it is buried now since we have used the name in this film.”
Also Read: Vidya Balan: ‘Kahaani 2’ was meant to happen with me and Sujoy
Looking at the poster, it wouldn’t be wrong in saying that the team up of Vidya Balan and Sujoy Ghosh are certainly ready to deliver yet another edge of the seat thriller set in the beautiful city of Kolkata.
Have a look at the teaser poster here:
Talking about Vidya and even Arjun Rampal’s character in ‘Kahaani 2’, Sujoy Ghosh added saying, “Arjun Rampal plays the cop who is chasing after her.”
‘Kahaani 2’ is scheduled to release on December 2, 2016.
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