Vidyut Jammwal and Adah Sharma’s ‘Commando 2’ is soon to see the light of day. The actor will be seen performing some high-octane sequences. After all, we all are aware of his fondness for fitness. He himself never shies away for giving in his cent percent as and when a physical transformation from his part is required.
During a conversation with Bollywood Life, Vidyut was asked what he felt about Aamir Khan’s drastic transformation for ‘Dangal’.
“Anything you do to better yourself cannot be harmful. Drastic is, in fact, good. It is commendable if a person is drastically able to transform himself. If somebody is 5/10, can be 10/10, age is just a number,” he answered. (Also Read: Celebrate the season of love with Vidyut Jammwal and Adah Sharma’s ‘Tere Dil Mein’)
Aamir, who got into the shoes for formal wrestler and presently senior Olympics coach (wrestling) Mahavir Singh Phogat in ‘Dangal’, had gained 30 kilos in order to look convincing for portions of the film. After completion of specific schedules, he flew to the US with his trainer to shed all extra pounds. At 50, the effort to undertake such a transformation is indeed commendable!
However, Vidyut’s statement tells us, age is indeed just a number!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.