Actor Vidyut Jammwal and his designer girlfriend Nandita Mahtani are once again creating a buzz on social media. The much in love couple were spotted on a romantic dinner date. Vidyut and Nandita were caught on camera s they exited a popular restaurant in Bandra post their dinner date. The couple who looked their stylish best was joined by good friend Deanne Pandey.
Vidyut and Nandita also posed for the camera and were all smiles during their fun interaction with the paps.
In the pictures where Vidyut looked handsome as ever in his cool casual look, Nandita took our breath away in her white ensemble.
Check out the pictures and videos of Vidyut and Nandita here:
Vidyut Jammwal and Nandita were spotted on a dinner date at a popular restaurant.
The actor who is a perfect gentleman held his fiancee Nandita’s hand as he helped her down the steps
The couple looked stylish as they walked out of the restaurant.
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The lady made heads turn in an all-white dress. Vidyut on the other hand was dressed in white and cyan blue attire.
Vidyut Jammwal had popped the question to Nandita Mahtani on September 01, 2021, in a ‘Commando way’. They also visited the Taj Mahal in Agra at the time of their engagement to celebrate the occasion.
On the work front, the actor will be next seen in the movie Khuda Haafiz Chapter II. It is directed by Faruk Kabir and is produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak. The movie also stars Shivaleeka Oberoi in a pivotal role.
Also Read: Vidyut Jammwal makes the sweetest birthday wish for his fiancé Nandita Mahtani, It’s too cute- WATCH