Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan have been busy shooting the final song of ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ in Greece. This time the crew has been extra guarded as to not let the look fot the song be revealed before the official release. But late Tuesday night, katrina Kaif posted a picture on her Instagram that made us think loud. Katrina Kaif looks best with Salman Khan. Don’t believe us take a look att he picture that the actress captioned “The calm before the storm”
The picture definitely ups the hotness level and we are sure their fans must be screaming from the roof top. Salman’s rugged look and Katrina’s easy breezy letting her hair down attitude has made this picture one of the best of both the stars. (Also Read: Here are fresh pictures of Salman from Greece schedule of ‘TZH’)
Tiger Zinda hai will hit the theatres on 22nd December but the first poster that was released last week.