Ace comedian and actor Vir Das, who has been entertaining us for many years now, surely knows how precious laughter is. A good dose of laughter is probably the only thing that can cure many distress. And thus, he has now taken it up on himself!
As a noble initiative, he will be soon beginning with his international tour that would consist of six continents and 21 countries. Countries that are much affected by war, religious and political conflicts, are his priority here.
His list includes Nigeria, which seems to suffer a number of socio-religious issues. (Also Read: Vir Das has something to say to all the BHAKTS and it makes sense)
“The entire idea behind having this tour is to bring a smile [on the face of] every individual. It makes me happy when I see people laugh their heart out and forget all their worries. One of the major reasons for me to visit Nigeria is to do the same and put a bright smile on the faces of as many people as I can,” Vir told HT.
Much respect!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.