Inder Kumar, who starred in more than 20 Bollywood movies including Salman Khan’s ‘Wanted’, passed away on 28th July, 2017. Inder’s death came as a rude shock to the entire film industry. The actor was just 44. Apart from movies, the actor also appeared in the famous daily soap Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.
Recently a video surfaced on Youtube wherein the late actor is seen talking about committing suicide courtesy his failed career in Bollywood. The video has gone viral within hours of going online and speculations about its authenticity are rife. (Also Read: Late Inder Kumar's wife Pallavi remembers him on his 44th birthday)
Check out the video right here-
Apparently, it’s been said that the video in question is one of the scenes from the late actor’s upcoming Bollywood flick which he shot a long time back. Inder’s downfall in Bollywood started in 2002, due to his accident on the sets of his film ‘Maseeha’. The actor made a comeback in 2009 with Salman Khan’s ‘Wanted’, but that too didn’t help him shape his career.