GQ India has unveiled the annual list of top 50 influential young Indians under 40 years of age which includes top names from the entertainment and sports fields. The prestigious list features the likes of Virat Kohli, Alia Bhatt, Ayushmann Khurrana, Varun Dhawan, Keshav Suri, Prabhat Choudhary, Taapsee Pannu, and Mithila Palkar amongst others.
The much awaited annual Powerlist honours the achievements of the young influencers as they create a mark with their accomplishments.
Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli has been breaking many records and is currently being regarded as the best batsman in the world. Kohli is also the highest paid athlete in India and has become a global face.
Alia Bhatt who delivered a power packed performance with ‘Raazi’ this year bagged a spot in the list. The 25-year-old actress has projects like ‘Gully Boy’, ‘Bramhastra’ and ‘Kalank’ lined up. Ayushmann Khurrana has had an eventful year with path-breaking successes like ‘Andhadhun’, ‘Badhaai Ho’ and is now moving forward to yet another quirky entertainer ‘Dream Girl’. Varun Dhawan who is known for his masala films opted for much intense roles this year like ‘October’ and made it to the powerlist.
One of the most influential behind the scenes names in the entertainment industry, Prabhat Choudhary has been a part of the power list for the past four years. He is considered one of the best brand strategists in Bollywood handling a slew of A-listers. He has partnered with Reliance for his digital marketing venture Entropy that is already handling some of India’s biggest social media accounts.
Karan Anushaman, Ananya Birla, Nayanthara, Parvathy, Akash Ambani also found a place in the Powerlist of 2018.
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