It was during the time of Justin Bieber’s visit to India that the actress Sonakshi Sinha fell into a big hole of controversy. Apparently the organisers of Justin Bieber’s concert in India had approached the actress-turned-singer to perform at the event. A lot of singer then spoke out against this decision of the organisers and shared their opinions on Twitter.
Giving an opportunity to a non-singer over a professional singer at a musical event concerned the Music fraternity of India. In fact, singer Armaan Malik and Sonakshi Sinha got involved in a Twitter war over this debate. Adding up to this was singer Sona Mohapatra who literally bashed Sonakshi for demeaning singers by indulging in such a war on Twitter. Sona had such harsh words for Sonakshi that the latter blocked the former to stop receiving her tweets.
Well, the controversy subsided and everything came to an end. But now, here’s one singer who feels that Sonakshi Sinha should stop singing.
Vishal Dadlani, who has crafted quite a few iconic numbers, feels that the actress should give up on her singing career. Talking to Mumbai Mirror, Vishal Dadlani was asked to name one actor who should stop singing and his choice was Sonakshi Sinha. It could also be because she is a good singer and she can be a competition for all the singers, you never know.
He was also asked to name one singer who needs auto-tuning to which he answered, all the singers. Okay then!
On the work front, Sonakshi Sinha will next be seen in ‘Happy Bhag Jayegi Returns’. (Also Check: #OOTD: BOOM, Sonakshi Sinha drops a big style BOMB!)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.