Actor Vivek Oberoi has not been seen much in Bollywood for a couple of years. He has appeared in a few South Indian movies though. Now, the actor is back in the bay. Vivek will be playing a role in PM Narendra Modi’s biopic. Yes, you heard it right. The biopic is produced by Sandip Singh and directed by ‘MC Mary Kom’ fame director Omung Kumar.
Taking to his Twitter handle, trade analyst Taran Adarsh announced the news. Also, he revealed the release date of the first look poster of the movie. The shooting will commence by mid-Jan 2019. Here’s his tweet.
IT’S OFFICIAL… Vivekanand Oberoi [Vivek Oberoi] to star in Narendra Modi biopic, titled #PMNarendraModi… Directed by Omung Kumar… Produced by Sandip Ssingh… First look poster will be launched on 7 Jan 2019… Filming starts mid-Jan 2019.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 4, 2019
As per reports, the movie will be shot in different parts of the country like Gujarat (Modi’s hometown), Delhi, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.
Bollywood’s venture into biopics has remained fruitful. In the past biopics like ‘Mary Kom’, ‘Dangal’, ‘Sanju’, ‘Gold’ and ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’ among others were well-received by the audience. This year too will witness some powerful biopics in like ‘Thackeray’, ‘Shakeela’ and many more. It would be a treat for the public to watch PM Narendra Modi’s story on screen. Do you think Vivek Oberoi will be able to pull off the role? Do let us know.
For more such updates, stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: Has this Vivek Oberoi film broken a box office record set by ‘Baahubali 2′?