After delivering an unexpected failure with his last film ‘Firangi’ and following his show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ going off air, actor Kapil Sharma is all set to make a comeback with a bang. Many would be aware that the actor is ready to feature in a new show which would be airing on Sony TV channel. Today, the first promo of this new show which is yet untitled is released featuring none other than the King of Comedy, Kapil Sharma.
The promo has been shared by Sony TV channel on their official Twitter handle. They have shared this amazing stuff with caption, “Laut kar aaraha hai Kapil Sharma Sony Entertainment Television par, kuch alag lekar. Iss baar hasi ke alaava kuch aur bhi hai jo jayega dekar. Kya, kab aur kaise? Jaanne ke liye dekhte rahiye @SonyTV @KapilSharmaK9.” (Also Read: Kapil Sharma: I’ve cheated my mom and I’m not proud of it)
Have a look at this new promo featuring Kapil Sharma below:
Laut kar aaraha hai Kapil Sharma Sony Entertainment Television par, kuch alag lekar. Iss baar hasi ke alaava kuch aur bhi hai jo jayega dekar. Kya, kab aur kaise? Jaanne ke liye dekhte rahiye @SonyTV @KapilSharmaK9
— sonytv (@SonyTV) February 9, 2018
Having a look at it, this surely looks damn interesting and funny. It even sees Kapil making fun of his unemployment. It is a delightful treat to see Kapil back on television, doing what he is best at!
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.