On November 18, Karan Johar hosted the fifth episode of ‘Koffee With Karan 6’ and the couch was graced by the exquisite father-daughter jodi Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan. The show was a lot of fun and entertainment. When Karan asked Sara if she was nervous, excited or shattered as it was her first formal introduction to the entertainment industry, she said she was excited and nervous. Dressed in monochrome outfits, both Saif and Sara looked ravishing on the show.
In the show, the starlet revealed that has a crush on Kartik Aaryan and wanted to date him. She also said that she wants to marry Ranbir and not date him. When Karan asked if she wants to send the message to Kartik, Sara said ‘yes’. It was during the rapid fire round that Sara made these revelations. In an event when Kartik was asked about it, the ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ actor blushed while reacting to the question on Sara. He said, “I don’t know what to say but all I can say is that she is very pretty and I’m really looking forward to her film.”
He also said that he wants to have coffee with Sara.
Watch the video.
That’s so cute of Kartik, isn’t it? Now, as Sara has expressed her desire to date Kartik, let’s see whether they will go for a coffee date or not. On the professional front, Sara is making her debut with ‘Kedarnath’ opposite Sushant Singh Rajput. Kartik will be seen in ‘Luka Chuppi’ opposite Kriti Sanon.
Also Read: Watch: Sara Ali Khan confesses that she wants to marry Ranbir Kapoor, and date Kartik Aaryan