Priyanka Chopra is not only a Bollywood actress but also a global star! The 36-year-old actress believes in giving 100 per cent all the time and doesn’t leave anything to chance. Priyanka married the love of her life Nick Jonas and the couple hosted a reception party tonight in Mumbai.
Now, a video has surfaced online, where Priyanka and Nick are posing for the paparazzi and kindly obliging them with photos. Priyanka is warmly and cordially interacting with the media persons and it is so good to see that she is so touched when one of the photographers gifted her a flower bouquet. Even Nick came forward and thanked the cameraman.
Watch the video:
Priyanka’s loving way of thanking the person has touched our hearts. Her gesture must have surely made the photographer’s day. We totally love the way Priyanka and Nick are greeting each and every person at their wedding reception.
The actress has always lived her life humbly and without any dramas. We wish Priyanka and Nick a fantastic married life and may God bless them with happiness!
Also Read: NickYanka’s Mumbai reception: Check out Nick’s reaction when paparazzi addressed him as Jijaji
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