With everyone from Shah Rukh Khan to Priyanka Chopra ringing in Diwali at their homes, Sanjay Dutt too celebrated the festival at his house. Outside his house, shutterbugs had assembled to click a photo of him along with his family.
Unfortunately, the shutterbugs overstayed their welcome and had to be pushed off by Sanjay Dutt. In this video, Sanjay can be seen hurling abuses at the shutterbugs for not going home on Diwali. He asks them if Diwali is not celebrated at their homes, and if it is celebrated, why aren’t they going home and celebrating it? He even uses a few cuss words to drive home his point.
Well, after watching the video, you’ll realize that a celebrity’s life isn’t the easiest. You constantly have people wanting to click your photos, and it can make you lose your cool at times. This is what happened with Sanjay Dutt, we are guessing. It’s not the first time he has lashed out at the media though.
Sanjay Dutt has been in the news this year, mainly because of his biopic ‘Sanju’, where his role was played wonderfully by Ranbir Kapoor. People accused the film of whitewashing his personality, but that didn’t stop the film from being a blockbuster at the box office.
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt has films like ‘Kalank’ and ‘Panipat‘ in his kitty.
Also read: Exclusive: Is Sanjay Dutt unhappy with his choices of films?