Bollywood’s favourite lady is gone. With a heavy heart, Sridevi’s family, colleagues and friends bid her a grand adieu today. As she set off for her last rites in a truck covered with white flowers all over, there probably wasn’t a single soul whose eyes didn’t well up.
The actress had a farewell that she deserved. Her mortal remains were wrapped in tricolours and she received a state honour, as the journey towards last rites began. (Also Read: Fans try to break into Celebrations Sports Club to get a last glimpse of Sridevi)
Meanwhile, we came across this old video of Sridevi from sets of a reality show wherein she candidly dances to ‘Mere Haathon Mein Nau Nau Chudiya Hai’.
It only looks like a dream now, and this is a void we’d never be able to fill. But now, the only legit thing to do would be to celebrate the glorious life that Sridevi has lived and the legacy that she has left.
We miss you, Chandni!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.