Arjun Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra and Varun Dhawan are known to be great buddies. Especially Arjun and Varun who have known each other since they were kids. While Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra are shooting for ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ in the capital, Varun Dhawan too is filming for ‘October’ in the capital. Now, when the trio has set base in Delhi for their respective shoots, it is but obvious that they will be catching up and probably creating a havoc. That’s exactly what happened last night in Arjun’s hotel room. Arjun Kapoor took to his Instagram Story to post a series of videos that gave us a sneak peek into what the three were up to last night. From the looks of it, Varun was in Arjun Kapoor’s bathtub and Parineeti was busy jumping on his bed.
Varun was also seen showing off his stardom according to Arjun Kapoor. The videos will make your morning and you might just end up laughing out loud!
Wouldn’t it be a delight to watch all three in a film together? Any takers? (Also Read: ‘Padmavati’ row: Arjun Kapoor supports SLB says his vision must be trusted)