Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, the alleged lovebirds, have been in news recently for their so-called break-up. It has been a while since the two have been spotted together, people started assuming of their split.
But a recent news came as a relief for all the Ranveer-Deepika fans out there. It was said that since the two actors will not be sharing screen space in their next ‘Padmavati’, they were instructed by the film’s director, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, to not be spotted together. Not just this, SLB also did not want any more problems for the film and hence the decision. (Also Read: What was Ranveer Singh doing on the sets of Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty’s ‘Golmaal Again’?)
Ranveer and Deepika too have been trying not to be seen together anywhere, except recently, when they were clicked together, and got super pissed at the photographer. The anger is quite vivid on Ranveer’s face, who is probably telling the camera person to stay away.
Check out the pic above.
We understand Ranveer’s concern, but we are happy that out favourite couple is still very much together.