Be it award shows or events or other dos, Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor can never be spotted in the same vicinity. But the two did come together under one roof for Mukesh Ambani’s son Anant Ambani’s birthday party which was a big gala celebration at their abode Antilla. Salman drove in around 1.30 am whereas Ranbir reached the spot about an hour later.
Given that both of them were in the same place at the same time, did the two actors talk? No, they didn’t. While both of them freely mingled with all the other guests present, they chose to give each other the royal snub. Ranbir stuck to his coterie of friends while Salman stuck to his.
But Ranbir Kapoor breaking up with Katrina Kaif and rumours of him cheating on the ‘Bang Bang’ actress has not gone down well with Salman Khan. The actor does not forget his past hurt so easily, so we hope that Ranbir remains on his toes for a long time to come.
Also Read: Clash Averted! Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Raees’ to not clash with Salman Khan’s ‘Sultan’
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