Rishi Kapoor famous for his hilarious tweets, has a special message for his children, actor Ranbir Kapoor and daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. The ‘Agneepath’ actor who is holidaying in New Zealand with wife Neetu Singh, shared a special something with his son and daughter.
Rishi tweeted,
YO! What a day to be a Fathers Day!! Riddhima and Ranbir hope you seeing this? pic.twitter.com/MDd8ORPbhQ
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) August 25, 2016
He has posted a picture that says ‘Father’s Day’ with date September 4 specified on it. ‘Father’s Day’ is usually celebrated in June, but looks like the Kiwis do it on the 4th of September. The actor found this too good to be missed and has tagged his son and daughter asking them if they have seen it.
The date is also special for the versatile star as he celebrates his birthday on September 4. Looks like he has taken a page from his last release ‘Kapoor & Sons’ and wants to celebrate his 64th birthday with his family in a big way.
We do hope that Ranbir Kapoor and his sister take a note of this special tweet by their father and plan something big for his birthday.
Also Read: PICS: Ranbir Kapoor breaks dahi handi and celebrates Janmashtami with kids