Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, who was supposed to be a part of Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Raees’, has been reportedly dropped out of the project. Following the terror attack in Uri, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) had demanded that all Pakistani
Following the terror attack in Uri, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) had demanded that all Pakistani artistes be restricted from working in India. IMPPA (Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association) later also announced that they were barring Pakistani artistes from working here until relationship between the two countries gets back to normal again. Looks like ‘Raees’ is the first film to fall prey to the circumstance.
“It was a very painful decision for producer Ritesh Sidhwani to take. The pressure to replace her had been building up for months. It reached a crescendo after the Uri attacks. It came to a point where it became impossible to shoot with any Pakistani. People suggested all kinds of solutions to the impasse, including shooting in Dubai. But it didn’t seem viable. Now, Mahira has unfortunately been relieved of her duties,” a source told a popular publication.
The makers will now have to find another actress who could replace Mahira.
Also Read: Mahira Khan: I strongly condemn any act of terror
Mahira, however, had strongly condemned not only the Uri incident but any act of terror. “As a Pakistani and citizen of the world, I strongly condemn any act of terror, any loss of human life no matter which soil it is on! I will not rejoice in bloodshed and war,” she wrote.
We are to see how it unfolds…
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Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.