Being one of the biggest superstars of the country has its own set of repercussions too. It may seem all rosy from the outside, but it isn’t always the same from the inside as celebs are always under the prying eyes of the paparazzi and the constant scrutiny does irk them at times.
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Take the instance of superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The man has ruled the hearts of the nation since decades now and being one of the biggest stars in Bollywood, the actor cannot escape from the media glares in any part of the world. So, recently the actor spoke about some unique and unheard of methods that he adopts to avoid getting mobbed by his fans and spend some ‘me’ time alone.
In an interview with an international channel, the actor revealed something very interesting about how he escapes from getting mobbed and recognised on many occasions. He said, “One has to give up a few things like if my family wants to have a good dinner somewhere, I don’t accompany them to the dinner because it won’t be so nice. People will come and we are a courteous set of family, so we will do the pictures. On my own, I can wear a hoodie and hide in the car which I do very often. I even travel in the trunk of my car sometimes. I’m compact size, I fit in easily.”
Now, that’s quite an unusual way of escaping from his fans. The next time you see SRK’s car without him inside, you know where he could be hiding!
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Passionate about writing, and a Bollywood lover, she is all that is sweet and endearing! She desires to put her best foot forward in everything that she does and loves to help anyone who’s in need.