Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was over the moon when he spotted Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro in attendance at a thought provoking fest ‘THiNK 2013’. Where Bachchan was one of the speakers, Big B immediately took to twitter to share his excitement with his fans he tweeted
Amitabh Bachchan ✔ @SrBachchan
T 1287 – Just finished my conversation at THINK..exciting and exhilarating .. and in the audience Mr Robert De Niro !! (Stumped for words !)
According to sources, the third edition of the annual festival, THiNK 2013 is hosting a series of panel discussions which will bring together eminent names from different walks of life – politics, technology, science, literature, medicine, environment, pop culture, business, media, religion, sport and cinema.
This festival that started on a Friday will conclude by Sunday.