Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are reuniting on the big screen in their upcoming film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ after a gap of 5 years. Of late, they are being spotted together at several occasions. It is a known fact that Salman mentored Katrina Kaif‘s Bollywood career in her initial days.
Recently, the actress gave an interview to a leading news agency where she spoke about her co-star and friend Salman Khan. She said, “We all know that Salman has the kind of heart that loves to help people. But for me, the greatest strength that he was to me was that he didn’t try to make things different for me, he encouraged me every moment to stand up, find my own feet and work hard.” [sic] (Also Check: PICS: Salman Khan bids adieu to Katrina Kaif before enjoying his auto rickshaw ride)
On being asked to recollect some best and worst moments she shared with Salman, Katrina chuckled and said that there can be a separate show on it.
She reminisced about an old incident saying, “He always had a lot of belief in me. I was to be a part of the movie ‘Saaya’. Anurag Basu was the director, John Abraham was the hero and I was cast in the film. I was called one night for a shot. It was a silent shot, that too I was playing a ghost. It was a passing shot. After shooting for two days, I was told I am chucked out. When I left the room, I started crying, I was bawling my eyes out.” [sic]
“Sometime in the day, I met Salman and I’m weeping, and he’s just laughing. I started to think he’s so mean. I’m thinking my career is over and I’ve been chucked out from my first film and it’s the end of my life and he’s laughing? He finally gave in and calmed me down saying, you don’t understand, this doesn’t mean anything. I know where you’re going to go from here, these things happen, I don’t have an answer but these things happen, you’ll see. Just keep your focus and work hard,” [sic] added the actress.
Well, we must say that it was a good piece of advice to Katrina from her mentor Salman.
Talking about their film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’, it is slated to hit the screens during the festive time of Christmas 2017.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.