Actor Ranbir Kapoor is quite miffed with the media, and the reason behind it is the leaked video of RK Jr practicing his moves on Amitabh Bachchan’s song from his super hit film ‘Yaarana’.
As per sources, a spy camera had caught the scion of Kapoor Khandaan, unguarded in a suit of lights. While he was working hard in perfecting the steps, as per his choreographers instruction on Big B’s song ‘Saara Zamaana Haseeno Ka Deewana’ from ‘Yaarana’. This video went on to become viral on You Tube.
Ranbir in his anger said, that it was not right on media’s part to behave in this manner, as they were working hard and would have released it when completed but the media played a spoilsport and posted it on ‘You Tube without their permission .
Well seems like it was something really special; for the cool Ranbir would not get angry for irrelevant reasons.