Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma has apparently irked her ‘Sultan’ co-star Salman Khan with her comments. The actress had recently called Salman Khan’s rape remark ‘insensitive’. She had further confessed that even though she has worked with him in ‘Sultan’, she still does not know him well.
Recently during an interview, Anushka had said, “I don’t know him at all. I have worked with him on a film. That’s all the interaction I had with him. I find him very intimidating. He is someone who will not go out of his way to make you feel comfortable. He is going to be himself and do his thing. And I’m very shy as a person. So I can’t bridge that gap either. I can’t break that ice because I know I am not very good at it myself. In any case, we don’t have an equation where we can have conversations. In fact, we have not spoken about anything in the time that I shot for the film with him. We have only spoken during group discussions with Ali (Abbas Zafar), and the ADs.”
Sources inform, “When Salman heard that Anushka has made such a statement, he made a few phone calls to check if she had indeed said it. When he learnt that she did say those things, he was a bit confused! He thought that Anushka enjoyed working with him. Khan decided to let go and even after reading Anushka’s statements, he made an appearance with her at the success press meet for the film.”
Anushka Sharma and Salman Khan starrer ‘Sultan’ is breaking records at box office.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s ‘Sultan’ is the fastest one to gross Rs 500 crore worldwide!