Superstar Salman Khan will be celebrating his birthday on December 27. The Khan famly is moving to their Panvel farm house for the celebration fdrom 25 december onwards.As the Dabangg khan turns 48 his friends from Bollywood fraternity will be joining him there.
According to sources, Salman Khan’s father Salim Khan said,”We don’t send out formal invites. Many members of the film fraternity call up in the morning to wish Salman and we tell them to drop by in the evening.We leave on December 25 and expect to be back by December 31. We are looking forward to a good time in Panvel. We will eat, drink and make merry.”
Well will Katrina Kaif who is at present dating Ranbir Kapoor, drive over to Panvel to wish her ex on his birthday. She had recently let out feelers that she would like to maintain her friendship with Salman Khan and this is a good time to do so.