The two superstars of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar were on the road to a clash last year, when their movies ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobara’ were all set to release on Eid, but this face off was averted as Balaji Production had rescheduled their movie for SRK’s ‘Chennai Express’ by releasing ‘OUATIMD’ a week later causing a huge loss to the Akshay Kumar starrer.
According to sources, it seems that though Ajay Devgn and Akshay Kumar’s clash continues, however, an SRK-Akki clash is likely to happen once again. Akshay is yet to begin shooting for Neeraj Pandey, his Special 26 director’s next, while Shahrukh Khan on the other hand will begin work on Maneesh Sharma’s ‘Fan’ only after he wraps up Farah Khan’s ‘Happy New Year’. Yet the trade hints that both superstars are eyeing January 23, the Republic Day weekend of 2015 for their films.
Well hope sanity prevails this time around and disaster at Box Office is averted.