Bollywood’s heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor recently proposed to a stranger at the recently concluded fashion week. The ‘Tamasha’ actor was walking the ramp for designer Kunal Rawal at Lakme Fashion Week. He made the day of a lucky woman present at the show, when he asked her if she will marry him.
Looks like marriage is on the mind of the actor, for we have been hearing rumours about his family looking out for a bride for him. At the LFW, when the actor was told by a lady reporter that he looked like a groom. The Kapoor scion immediately asked her if she was married and if not then he will marry her.
Ranbir also confessed that he considers Amitabh Bachchan, Ranveer Singh, Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif, cousins Karisma and Kareena, and Anushka Sharma as his fashion icons.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor will be seen in Karan Johar’s upcoming film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ that is based upon the complex relationship in love and marriage. The teaser and the posters are a hit on the social network ever since they were released by the makers. Starring Anushka Sharma, Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai and Fawad Khan, the movie will be releasing on October 28.
The other film that the Kapoor boy will be seen in is ‘Jagga Jasoos’ co-starring ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif, it will release on April 7.
Also Read: Guess which actress just rejected Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor