‘Woh Kaun Thi’, starring Manoj Kumar and Sadhana, was a cult thriller of its times, and still is. Everything about the movie was amazing; right from its legendary songs like ‘Lag Ja Gale’, to the taut plot that bound the viewer till the end. And now, we are to witness the magic of it all again, as the rights of the movie have been purchased by KriArj Entertainment.
The movie will be a tribute to Manoj Kumar, as per the producers Prernaa Arora and Arjun N Kapoor, and will also retain two of the iconic numbers; ‘Lag Ja Gale’ and ‘Naina Barse Rimjhim’.
“The minute we acquired the remake rights, we thought of the songs. These two songs form the backbone of ‘Woh Kaun Thi?’. The film cannot be imagined without those songs,” said Prernaa.
“Also, it is a classic timeless film with the epitome of beauty Sadhanaji, Lataji and the great actor Manoj Kumarji who are true legends. This is a mark of respect and a tribute to them and the kind of films we had in that era,” she added. (Also Read: Aishwarya, Shahid, Rajkummar and many others celebrate Producer Prernaa Arora’s birthday)
Well, now we are looking forward to the announcement of the cast.
Inputs from IANS
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!