Often when we gush about our favourite Bollywood romantic jodis, we equate the same with Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol. But, there was one more actress whose equation with SRK was just as magical, Juhi Chawla. Though the last time we saw them romantically paired together was way back in 2001, in the movie ‘One 2 Ka 4’, they were seen in 2005 ‘Paheli’ as well, and even in the 2008 movie ‘Bhootnath’, where Shah Rukh had a special role. And now, there is a good news for all the fans of the duo! They are coming back on our screens.
Yes, Juhi herself confirmed the same, as she spoke to Deccan Chronicle, that she would be making a special appearance in Aanand L Rai’s unnamed movie, where SRK plays a dwarf. She said, “There were some pleasant moments I shared with Shah Rukh on the sets of the film. Shah Rukh asked me to come and shoot the film. The film has a sequence where many stars from our time will also star.” (Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan along with AbRam spotted at London airport)
Well, this one is a pleasant surprise. We have loved SRK and Juhi in the same frame together, even the ones where they were together for just few seconds, like the song ‘Deewangi Deewangi’ from ‘Om Shanti Om’.
Can’t wait to see them back on our screens soon!
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!