Priyanka Chopra has managed to make it so big in the international arena just because of her ‘Quantico’ series. Her character of Alex Parrish in the ‘Quantico’ has been loved by all and probably that is why people are in no mood to let go of her. When she was in Mumbai recently, Priyanka had revealed that it’s the channel who decides whether there has to be a next season of series or not, gauging the TRP’s and stuff, and well, looks like TRP’s of season two have been fabulous, and hence, we will get to witness the third season of this series too.
Priyanka recently took to her Twitter handle to confirm the third season of ‘Quantico’. She first informed that she has wrapped up the shooting of ‘Quantico 2’ and then she said that she is excited for ‘Quantico 3’.
Yayy! We are so excited! Looks like PeeCee has become a permanent member of the west. She has ‘Quantico’ and her Hollywood debut film ‘Baywatch’. Also, she has signed yet another Hollywood film. Good going girl! (Also Read: Priyanka Chopra is slaying it totally in these super hot bikini pictures)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.