Ranbir Kapoor starrer Roy as been in news since its concept. The movie that was to release in June this year has been delayed due to the unavailability of the actors. There were rumours abounding that the movie might be shelved. Quiet recently the director Vikramaditya Singh said that Yo Yo Honey Singh will do a song that will be soon pictured on Ranbir Kapoor. But the singer clarified on a social networking site that he is not recording any song for the film.
As per sources, producer Bhushan Kumar said , “We will start shooting for the film by the end of the month. First, we will shoot in Mumbai till mid-May after which Ranbir will join the shoot in June. We will wrap up the shoot by July. He also confirmed that Yo Yo Honey Singh is not recording a song for the film. “That news is false; I have not even spoken to him about any song. If we feel the need for a song and we think we can work something out with him, we will do so at the right time.”
‘Roy’ starring Jacqueline Fernandez and Arjun Rampal, is now expected to release in September this year.