Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit have been criticized for participating in the Safai Mahotsav held in the village of Mulayam Singh Yadav. A youth group in Aligarh has decided to boycott Salman Khan’s forthcoming movie ‘Jai Ho’ as a protest against the same.
The group said it was a pity the actors went to the show when the Uttar Pradesh government was not doing enough for victims of the communal riots in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh.
However the donation of Rs. 25 lakh by Salman Khan was willingly accepted by the Youth Initiative for Peace and Harmony.
Jasim Mohammad of YIPH told that Mulayam Singh Yadav should not have held the “Safai Mahotsava” this year and Salman and Madhuri Dixit should have not attended it showing “some sensitivity to human values”.
Mohammad said the YIPH would boycott the film “Jai Ho”. Well, we will keep you posted on Salman Khan’s reaction on the above.