Zareen Khan, who made her Bollywood debut with film ‘Veer’ opposite Salman Khan, is in the news these days for her upcoming film ‘Aksar 2’. It is an erotic thriller that stars Gautam Rode opposite Zareen. The trailer and a few songs of this film are out and are creating a buzz among the masses. Further we have learnt that Zareen has gone an extra mile for this film.
Reports suggest that the actress battled Thalassophobia for this film. The word comes from the Greek word Thalassa, meaning sea or ocean and phobia means fear or dread. But for a scene in the film, Zareen did go underwater in a sea and gave the perfect shot. Zareen said, “I’m scared of large water bodies like sea or an ocean, so I was slightly skeptical to shoot for few underwater sequences. My feet touched weird things found on the sea bed and that experience was quite eerie.” These scenes were shot in Mauritius and the makers were completely taken with surprise, by Zareen’s performance.
‘Aksar 2’ is produced by Narendra Bajaj and Chirag Bajaj and is directed by Ananth Mahadevan, and is slated to release on October 6, 2017. We will also see cricketer S Sreesanth in this film. (Also Read: People like bold scenes only if big stars do them, says Zareen Khan)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.