Shah Rukh Khan’s forthcoming film ‘Zero’ created a lot of buzz as the actor released the film’s teaser on the first day of New Year. Netizens went crazy as they witnessed their king of romance in a totally different avatar. Since then the actor has been sharing snippets from the sets of the film.
Now, though SRK is not that much of a tech-savvy person, he still keeps his fans up to date with his life, through his social media. But of late, SRK’s social media has been hijacked by Katrina, who is hell-bent on managing the same. The star has been sharing pictures of him which have been clicked by Kat, and we must say those are pretty good.
However, this time, the lady has been promoted in the arena, and went to on to capture a video of Shah Rukh. Take a look.
Well surely, Miss. Kaif’s talents knows no bounds. She is as good behind the lens as she is in front of it. (Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan shares his ‘HICHKI’ moment with Rani Mukerji and we are inspired)
Talking about ‘Zero’, the film has Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma in the lead. Also, Salman Khan, late Sridevi and many others will be seen making a cameo appearance in the film.