Jackie Shroff, Sikandar Kher, and Bhoomika Meena starrer web series Chidiya Udd are streaming online. During the interview, Bhoomika answers a question by sharing her initial experiences in Mumbai. She explains that she had visited Mumbai for the first time during her childhood and had toured the entire city. Regarding cinema’s initial days, she mentions that she had given herself two weeks. She visited casting directors and famous locations. Bhoomika also discusses whether actors remain friends after the shooting set. Jackie Shroff shares that he was born in Mumbai and started working two years after dropping out of the 11th grade. Initially, he checked buttons on people’s clothes, then modelled, and eventually moved into acting.
Jackie Shroff says that he just did whatever came his way without overthinking it. He also refers to Sikandar’s character in Chidiya Udd. Sikandar recalls his early days and shared that at the age of 14-15, he became an assistant in Yash Chopra’s film Dil To Pagal Hai. Sikandar, speaking about social media, says that he has grown bored of it. In a conversation with Avinash Pal, Sikandar also explains whether working in Hollywood affects Indian filmography. Jackie shares that he never interferes with his children, Tiger and Krishna’s work. He adds, “I just go to watch the films directly, I don’t show any fatherly interference in between.”