Madhuri Dixit seems to have mesmerized the younger lot of actors, first it was Ranbir Kapoor and now it is Hrithik Roshan who too admits to being a huge fan of the dancing diva. The two of them will be sharing stage during the Grand Finale of the popular reality dance show ‘Jhalak Dikhla Jaa’ as part his promotion for his upcoming movie ‘Krrish 3’.
According to sources, Hrithik confessed, “I have been a fan of Madhuri since my assisting days. I have been a fan of her smile…She is one of the most gorgeous women. Later the two even danced together for their numbers such as ‘Bhumbroo bhumbroo’ from Hrithik`s film, ‘Mission Kashmir’ and ‘Nazrein mili dil dhadka’ from Madhuri’s film, ‘Raja’.
Well it would be truly a great visual treat for their fans if the two come together for a movie.