Poulomi Polo Das unfortunately got evicted from Bigg Boss OTT 3 house during mid-week elimination. In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble host Aakruti Bagla, she talks about her unfair eviction and why Munisha could have been eliminated instead. The actress also shares how people are conveniently making friendships just to sustain themselves in the game. Poulomi also opens up about her infamous fight with Shivani Kumari and slams her for passing derogatory remarks. She also shares how she has been facing trolling and slut-shaming after the nasty fight. Not only this, she also expresses admiration for Payal Malik for maintaining a relationship with Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik. Lastly, the actress also gets emotional as she recalls going through a tough phase after her breakup and tells us how her mother had a heart attack while her dad was in a bad state. Watch the full chat here.
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