rajpal yadav, rajpal

Actor Rajpal Yadav recently went down memory lane in the true sense while he spoke to host Nawaz Kochra on Bollywood Bubble’s Let’s Talk. From sharing how and when the acting bug bit him, to his encounter with this industry. Being so humble about his success, Rajpal also spoke about the thrill he gets to see Indian cinema grow. From sharing interesting tales of working with Amitabh Bachchan, Varun Dhawan, and others, to expressing his dreams of doing great work, Rajpal spoke his heart. He even revisited his first unpleasant fan encounter, and also how he faced typecast for his height. Talking at length about his climax in Jungle, Rajpal revealed how he almost got bitten by a King Cobra. During the conversation, Rajpal even shared his take on nepotism, the South industry taking over, and how he doesn’t still know what stardom looks like. Watch this nostalgic conversation here!

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