Bollywood’s Queen of controversy Rakhi Sawant is once again in the news. The beauty will be depicting the role of a transgender in upcoming film ‘Upeksha’ and she thinks nothing less than a national award will come for the film.
Rakhi said, “I want to play meaty roles. I am very much impressed by Priyanka Chopra, Shah Rukh Khan and Kangana Ranaut who have been playing different roles in their films, similarly I too want to do so. If these stars can do so then even I can.”
Not much is known about the film but it is based on the struggles of transgenders in society and their views on basic rights. Activists Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, a transgender who has been fighting for the rights of the eunuchs will also be part of the movie.
No news about when the film will be released but Rakhi has got a list ready of inspirational actors.
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Also Read: Rakhi Sawant wants the Prime Minister to ban ceiling fans
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