For his 1st media interview, Veer Pahariya sits for an unfiltered, exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble. Veer, who is making his debut in Bollywood in Skyforce, narrates his nearly 11-year-long struggle to bag his first feature film. The young actor, in conversation with host Ankita Bhalla, admits that he doesn’t look like a ‘hero’ by industry standards. However, terms himself as an underdog.
Citing Shah Rukh Khan, and Ranveer Singh as his inspirations; Veer shares how he paved his way into the films with no film background. His journey as an AD and a stunt double for Varun Dhawan, before bagging his first film. Veer heaps praises on Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan. His co-stars from the first project, why he opted for an unconventional moustache look and doing a patriotic film. He breaks down his prep of playing the role of an Air Force officer, learning to fly a commercial plane and how his definition of patriotism evolved during the process.
Veer also talks about his sibling’s bond with Shikhar Pahariya. Learnings from best friends and fellow actors Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, and staying away from the limelight. He further speaks regarding his low phase while waiting for a launch, his films getting shelved and what motivates him to keep up with the pace of the Hindi Film Industry. Veer reveals which debutante actress he would like to be paired with next. He reveals his connection with the film ‘Veer Zara’ and his most priced possessions.