Sonakshi Sinha last year judged the show ‘Indian Idol’, and had given an opportunity to one of the contestants of the show to playback for her in the movie ‘Akira’. Well, we are talking about the singer Nahid Afrin who has been in news nowadays for being given a fatwa. When recently at an event when Sonakshi was asked about the controversy, the actress said that she recently met Nahid and has spoken about it to her. (Also Check: Here’s what Noor will do if she has to ask Sonakshi Sinha about her link-ups)
‘Eat Sleep Bollywood Repeat’ is his life Mantra. Dance is his first love and Rani Mukerji is his eternal crush. He is someone who loves being himself, and as for the ones who don’t agree, his reply? “Talk to my hand!”