Ranbir Kapoor with Deepika Padukone

Ranbir Kapoor is busy shooting for Ayaan Mukherjee’s Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani”,with ex flame Deepika Padukone, talking about his character in the film,he says that the character will strike a chord in today’s youth.”This is the story of a guy who grows up from a 21-year-old boy to a 30-year-old man.In YJHD, I’ve found myself. It deals with the relationship, heartbreak and ambition of four people”.



When asked about his co-star, he admitted that he doesn’t have any problem sharing the screen space with ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone in the film.He finds her completely “passionate and ambitious”.”When you come across someone who is as motivated as you are, the experience of working together is terrific. I share a deep comfort level with her. I don’t feel awkward with her. We are all professionals,” said the 30-year-old.

Well the results will be out soon of their so called chemistry.