Ranbir Kapoor is busy shooting for Ayaan Mukherjee’s Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani”,with ex flame Deepika Padukone, talking about his character in the film,he says that the character will strike a chord in today’s youth.”This is the story of a guy who grows up from a 21-year-old boy to a 30-year-old man.In YJHD, I’ve found myself. It deals with the relationship, heartbreak and ambition of four people”.
When asked about his co-star, he admitted that he doesn’t have any problem sharing the screen space with ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone in the film.He finds her completely “passionate and ambitious”.”When you come across someone who is as motivated as you are, the experience of working together is terrific. I share a deep comfort level with her. I don’t feel awkward with her. We are all professionals,” said the 30-year-old.
Well the results will be out soon of their so called chemistry.