Adah Sharma was last seen in the recent release The Kerala Story which is directed by Suditpo Sen and produced by Vipul Shah. The leading lady spoke to a media house about the appreciation she is getting and also the criticism it has been facing.
Talking about how she feels about the film being on its way to success, she says, in spite of not being from the film background the love that I have got is immense. The whole country is supporting me. I feel numb and honoured. My dreams for self so small. This feels like the dreams my supporters and family have seen for me.
The film has been going through an aggressive backlash for the release of the film. Speaking about how she is dealing with the crisis, Adah responds,she feels grateful. The awareness that the film will create will save the lives of many girls. There is great support from the audiences.
The story of the film is very strong and the effect it can have is deep and scarring. When asked about how the character scarred her, Adah said playing Shalini Unnikrishnan has physically and emotionally scarred her. These are the scars to the depth of my soul. These scars won’t heal in this lifetime.
Advice to young girls
When asked for advice for the young impressionable girl who gets trapped in a conversion crisis, Commando 3 actress explains that whenever you have to make a decision big or small, think twice and take advice from your parents.
When asked how she is celebrating the biggest success of her career, The Kerala Story is getting, Adah Sharma said by knowing that the film will Adah Sharma said by knowing that the film is going to change lives. And knowing that they are going to be a voice for so many untold stories gives her fulfillment. That is her celebration.
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