It’s a sad day for fans of Bhojpuri film actor Sudip Pandey. As per pouring in, the actor passed away earlier today, Wednesday, January 15 in Mumbai. Read on for details.
Sudip Pandey no more
As reported by Times Now, actor Sudip Pandey passed away after suffering a heart attack earlier today. As per Amar Ujala, the actor – who has worked in several Bhojpuri movies, including Bahiniya, Pyar Mein, Balwa, and Dharti, breathed his last around 11am this morning. He recently started shooting for his next film. As per certain reports, this project is the second part of Paro Patna Wali.
Post Sudeep’s death, one of the actor’s friends said revealed that he was going through a very difficult time. According to this friend, Sudeep’s film career was not going well. Sudeep had made a Hindi film ‘Victor’ in which a lot of money was lost. They also revealed that Sudeep’s married life was going through a lot of tension. During the Bihar Assembly elections, the actor joined the NCP and he also got a post in the party.
The Bhojpuri actor earlier lived in Andheri, Mumbai but was currently residing in Taloja, Navi Mumbai.
May Sudip Pandey’s soul rest in peace.