Bollywood actor Aamir Khan requested his fans and other people who are going to watch ‘Talaash’ not to reveal climax of his movie.
Talaash is a suspense drama and true to any Aamir Khan film, secrecy is being maintained all around the project. While the film releases today, no one is yet aware of what exactly is the plot. And to keep the buzz going, the actor has now personally appealed to his audience on a social networking site not to reveal the climax of the film.
Sources informs that,”This would be the first time that Aamir is making such an appeal to his fans. He feels that suspense films have their own norms. And the team has been able to achieve this successfully.”
Interstingly,Aamir Khan Didn’t kept any preview screenings at all, which is an otherwise industry norm. The cast and crew also got to see the film only last night.