The teaser for ‘Chidiya Udd’, an upcoming crime drama series, dropped on Monday, offering a sneak peek into a gripping tale of survival and defiance. Based on Aabid Surti’s novel ‘Cages’, the series is directed by Ravi Jadhav, with creative input from National Award-winning filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar.
Jackie Shroff starrer Chidiya Udd teaser out!
Set against the backdrop of Mumbai’s underworld, ‘Chidiya Udd’ delves into the harsh realities of life in a red-light district. The story follows a young woman’s relentless fight for freedom in a world where crime and power collide. Themes of resilience, shifting loyalties, and tough choices form the core of this intense narrative. The series boasts a stellar cast, including Jackie Shroff, Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, Madhur Mittal, Mayur More, and Mita Vashisht.
Speaking about the project, Jackie Shroff shared, “’Chidiya Udd’ has been an extraordinary journey. The characters are raw and real, facing challenges that will deeply resonate with viewers. I believe the story will leave a lasting impact.”
Produced by Harman Baweja and Vicky Bahri, the series aims to push boundaries with its storytelling. Harman Baweja emphasized the show’s depth. He said, “This isn’t just another crime drama. It’s a powerful exploration of the human spirit, resilience, and the will to break free from oppression. At Baweja Studios, we strive to bring bold, unfiltered narratives to life, and ‘Chidiya Udd’ is a testament to that vision.”
Aruna Daryanani, Business Head and Director at Amazon MX Player, highlighted the platform’s commitment to authentic storytelling. “’Chidiya Udd’ is a raw and unapologetic portrayal of Mumbai’s complexities. It’s a gripping tale of a woman’s fight for power and freedom, and we’re proud to bring such compelling content to our viewers,” she said.
A gripping crime drama, ‘Chidiya Udd’ explores survival and resilience in Mumbai’s underworld. Streaming soon on Amazon MX Player.