Karan Veer Mehra, the winner of Bigg Boss 18, recently reflected on his victorious journey during an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble. The Pavitra Rishta actor expressed immense gratitude for the overwhelming love and appreciation he continues to receive post-win. While recalling his triumphant moment, Karan also addressed the challenges he’s faced, including threats from certain fan clubs of a celebrity. Despite this, he remains unfazed and focused on his journey. He also shared insights about his enjoyable experience on Elvish Yadav’s podcast, where he had a great time connecting with fans and reflecting on his Bigg Boss journey.
Karan Veer Mehra on threats from Rajat Dalal fans
When quizzed about whether threats from Rajat Dalal’s fans affect him, Karan Veer Mehra strongly stated, “I have my comment section turned off. I neither read nor listen to what people say. I focus on my work. The biggest problem in the world is worrying about ‘What will people say?’. I don’t stress over that. Do what you want. Whether you speak well of me or poorly, whether you see me as right or wrong, I’m getting paid, so I don’t give a damn.”
Karan Veer further continued, “As for trolling, it’s what jobless people do. If you’re being trolled, it means people are talking about you, so do something noteworthy. To the trolls, stop wasting your time and get a real job. And for those giving threats, it’s ridiculous. If someone files a complaint and cyber cell tracks your IP address, they’ll come for you, even from under your blanket. You’ll be paraded around, and your slippers will wear out in court. So, my request is to stop this stupidity. We’re here talking, and laughing in groups. I even went on Elvish’s podcast and had a great time, while you all are fighting like fools.”
Karan Veer Mehra about being on Elvish Yadav’s podcast
Mehra also shared his experience being on Elvish Yadav’s podcast. Karan mentioned, “He’s such a fun and amazing guy. I had a great time with him. The fun segments with him were really enjoyable. In the end, he ran off with my trophy, saying he’d give it to Rajat Dalal. It was super fun. We were all laughing, cutting cake on set to celebrate the win.”
More about Karan Veer Mehra’s victory
Karan Veer Mehra bagged the trophy of Bigg Boss 18 beating Vivian Dsena on 19th of January 2025. Rajat Dalal left the house right before with the title of second runner up. Avinash Mishra, Eisha Singh and Chum Darang were among the top 5 finalists.
Exclusive transcribed and written by Sarni Rathod.
Watch the full interview here