Former Bigg Boss 18 contestant, Sara Arfeen Khan is known for her bold and upfront nature recently sat down with Bollywood Bubble for an interview. The actress discussed her personal and professional life and also shared her journey from the BB house. Sara also shared about her role in Singham Again, where she played the role of Mrigya/Iqra Hafeez. The actress expressed her disappointment on her scenes with Arjun Kapoor getting cut.
Sara Arfeen Khan on her role in Singham Again
Expressing her disappointment, the actress shared, “I have not seen it, but during the dubbing, I noticed that two or three of my scenes were cut. One was a very beautiful scene with Arjun Kapoor where I shot myself. After that, it was not there, so I was upset, of course. But I’ve received beautiful reviews, so I don’t know how much is left now. I have to watch the film, I have to.”
Sara Arfeen Khan was last seen in Bigg Boss 18 and the actress. Sara also discussed Hrithik Roshan’s struggles as she is his life coach.